Laura Royal Laura Royal


What's Your Strategy to Keep Your New Hire on that New Hire High?

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Newly Promoted: Direct Your Success
Laura Royal Laura Royal

Newly Promoted: Direct Your Success

As a new supervisor, your best path forward is based upon what you need to do to establish yourself as a leader, boost productivity, and foster team cohesiveness.

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Three Indispensable Skills for Managing Meetings
Laura Royal Laura Royal

Three Indispensable Skills for Managing Meetings

Meetings are a forum to foster information exchange, problem-solving, and team cohesion, yet many meetings fall short of these goals. The key to productive meetings lies in their organization and leadership.

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Laura Royal Laura Royal


Delegation is defined as giving others the authority to act on your behalf accompanied with the responsibility and the accountability for results. When done well both the delegator, usually a supervisor, and the delegated usually an employee have much to gain. Employees are given an opportunity to develop and master skills while supervisors are better able to balance the workload, increasing the work unit’s productivity. That makes delegation a powerful tool.

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