Individual Coaching

Workplace coaching supports you as you navigate your career.

Common topics for workplace coaching

  • Revise career choices

  • Resume updates and Interview preparation

  • Polish your interpersonal skills

  • Improve your decision making

Coaching sessions are 45 – 60 minutes. The number of sessions is up to the individual. 3 - 8 sessions are typical.

I believe that coaching is such an effective professional development tool that I keep my

fees reasonable so that most can afford this valuable experience. $80.00 per hour.

Are you ready?

First Steps

  • Sessions are conducted virtually.

  • When you contact me about coaching, I will send you a short questionnaire/assessment to complete.

  • Once I receive your completed assessment, I’ll set up a 30-minute phone consultation.

  • During this consultation we will determine if this coaching relationship is a good fit.

  • There is no charge for the assessment and consultation, and you are not obligated in any way.

Working together you can expect

A customized approach to meet your needs.

  • Actionable guidance.

  • Tools to help you move forward.

The most common reported benefits from working with a coach are:

  • A boost in confidence and general well-being.

  • Improved work performance.

  • An increase in personal effectiveness.

Coaching empowers you to reach higher!