Workshop Topics

Preparing for a Job Interview

This session may seem like an odd choice for an organization to provide their employees. Yes, the organization may be helping an employee look for another job however, by providing employees a development opportunity that enables them to “nail” an interview, employees can move ahead in the organization. Talent can be nurtured and retained.

Length: Half day

Workshop Outline


Standards of Workplace Interviews

  • Brief overview of the purpose and types of interviews

The Focus: You as An Employee

  • Some personal information is appropriate in an interview but not much. We will briefly review just how much personal information to reveal and how to discuss it.

Presentation of Self

  • Tips on presenting yourself: projecting energy, word choice, greeting, and posture

  • How to talk about your resume and any red flags

  • Getting started on your personal narrative

Interview Readiness

  • 5 Types of questions and how to answer them

  • 10 Common Interview Questions and how to answer them. Including everyone’s favorite “Tell me about yourself”

  • Use the SAR format to answer common behavioral questions

  • Review the interview checklist

Option for internal interviews: a representative from HR/Recruitment can stop by at the end of the session to discuss tips about applications.

Participants Take Aways

You will “nail” your next interview by being able to:

  • Deliver a positive and genuine narrative of your life and work.

  • Your demeanor will project competence and confidence.

  • Use methods for preparing for and answering the most common interview questions.

  • Redirect questions if the interview gets off track.

  • Use an interview preparation checklist to make sure you've covered all bases.