Workshop Topics

Conducting Effective Interviews

This workshop provides a broad overview of the hiring, interviewing and selection process. With a deeper understanding of the processes an interviewer will feel more confident in his or her ability to select the best candidate. Length: half day

Workshop Outline

Fundamentals of the Hiring Process

  • Hiring is more than the interview

  • The three steps of hiring

Preparing to Interview

  •  Screening application materials

  •  Developing interview questions

  •  Types of questions

  •  What can I ask?

  •  How to create effective questions

  •  Preparing panel members

Conducting the Interview

  •  Roles and procedures

  •  Dos and Don’ts

Evaluating the Candidates

  •  Notes and documentation

  •  Evaluating the candidates

  •  Panel deliberations

Participant Take Aways

After completing this workshop participants will be able to:

  •  Efficiently screen applications.

  •  Choose the appropriate types of interview questions.

  •  Create your interview questions.

  •  Identify the legal guidelines for questions.

  •  Use follow up questions to further assess a candidate.

  •  Employ practical tips for using the evaluation scale.